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Sports Scholarship at Athlone Institute dari Technology, Ireland 2013

Athlone Institute dari Technology provides sports scholarship scheme per year for students who are pursuing their study in that University, Ireland, 2013

Study Subject(s): Any Subject
Course Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: Athlone Institute dari Technology
Scholarship can be taken at: Ireland


-students who are pursuing their higher studies in AIT university
-students who have reached, or have the potential to reach, a very high standard dari performance in their chosen sport
-Students pursuing higher study after the four year threshold will be considered for additional years

Scholarship Open for International Students: yes

Scholarship Description: Sports Scholarships since 1996 we have operated a sports scholarship scheme for students who have reached, or have the potential to reach, a very high standard dari performance in their chosen sport. Under the scheme,approximately thirty full and half scholarships are awarded each year, up to the value dari €4,800 over four years. each scholarship is awarded for a period dari one year, but may be renewed for up to a maximum dari four years. students pursuing higher study after the four year threshold will be considered for additional years.Sports scholarship payments are generally made in two equal instalments during the academic year, the first in December and the second after the recipients have completed the final examinations in semester two. Sports scholarship recipients must adhere to the institute’s sports scholarships regulations, a copy dari which may be obtained from the Sports Department.

How to Apply: By Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: July 2013