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Brunei Darussalam Government Sholarship For International Student 2013

Pemerintah Brunei Darussalam menyediakan beasiswa untuk pelajar asing tahun akademik 2013/2014 Dari Diploma,S1,S2 dan S3. Tujuan dari beasiswa ini adalah untuk menyediakan kesempatan bagi para pelajar untuk menimba ilmu di Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) dan Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB).

Untuk info lengkap bisa mengunjungi website resminya di

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Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship, Harvard Business School, USA

Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship, Harvard Business School, USA

Harvard Business School is a community of people engaged in many activities focused on one purpose—developing leaders. Our MBA graduates use the skills they develop here to inspire change and innovation throughout their lives—in business and in other organizations, in their communities, and in society.

The Harvard two-year MBA is one of the world’s leading business programs, taught at one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

The next MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School will be awarded for the course commencing in the fall of 2013

Candidates may apply for the Scholarship after receiving an offer for a place on the Harvard MBA program.

Eligibility Criteria
The Boustany MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School is offered to an outstanding and highly-meriting candidate who must fulfill the admission requirements of HBS to be eligible for the scholarship.

Candidates must have excellent academic backgrounds and have enjoyed considerable success in their careers to date. Although the scholarship can be awarded to candidates of any nation, priority will be given to candidates of Lebanese descent.

The scholarship recipient is required to complete a summer internship (between the first and second year of the course), carrying no salary, with the Boustany Foundation.

If you wish to apply, please send a copy of your curriculum vitae with photo, GMAT scores and acceptance letter from the University to:
Ref. HBS

If shortlisted, you may be invited to an interview with the Foundation. One candidate will then be awarded the Scholarship.

Dates for 2013 Scholarship:
Deadline for submission of candidacy: 15 May 2013
Award of Scholarship to recipient: June 2013

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Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program by Government of Canada

The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program is celebrating 50 years! Since the plan’s inception in 1959, the Government of Canada has provided scholarships of excellence to all member countries of the Commonwealth. The CCSP goal is to promote Canadian values and identity around the world and to help meet the human capital needs of developing countries.

Canada also played a leadership role in the establishment of the international Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan and is the largest contributor to this program after the United Kingdom.

The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program is facilitated through student exchange agreements between Canadian and regional institutions. These student exchange agreements are created between universities for graduate students. Scholarship recipients remain registered as full time students in their home institution during this exchange.

Graduate Students Exchanges (GSEP) are hosted by Canadian institutions for a period of five or six months and provide up to $10,000 to cover transportation, living and other related expenses during the students’ stay in Canada.

Student application process
Students interested in this scholarship program should contact their home institution to make their interest known, and to find out if there is an institutional collaboration or exchange agreement with a Canadian institution. The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) provides a database of international exchange agreements which, while not exhaustive, does provide a list of some existing agreements.

An institutional exchange agreement is desirable, however, where no agreement yet exists, research applications by students which may result in a new collaboration between professors from a Canadian and foreign university will be considered.

Candidates doing research must apply for a Work Permit in order to ensure a smooth entry at the Canadian border and to receive the funds.

Interested students may also wish to contact alumni of the program through their home institution for advice and a local perspective on the experience.

The deadline of applications is April 30, 2013

info lbh lnjut bisa buka

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Romanian Government Scholarships BSc MSc PhD 2013 – 2014

Romanian Government has announced 85 scholarships for international (Non EU) students. These scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Romania. Though the requests for all fields will be accepted but priority will be given to students applying for political and administrative sciences, education studies, Romanian culture and civilization, journalism, technical studies, oil and gas, agricultural studies, veterinary medicine, architecture and arts. The scholarships will cover tuition fees and accommodation charges. It will also provide a monthly amount which varies according to the levels of study. To avail this opportunity, applicants must sent their application files to the Romanian diplomatic missions in such a way that they can be registered at MAE DDPCS by 15 February 2013.

Study Subject(s): Priority will be given to the candidates applying for: political and administrative sciences, education studies, Romanian culture and civilization, journalism, technical studies, oil and gas, agricultural studies, veterinary medicine, architecture, arts. Requests for other fields will also be taken into account.
Course Level: The scholarships are granted for three levels of study:
-for the first cycle (licenta): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of high schools or of equivalent pre-university systems, as well as to candidates who require the equivalation of partial studies and the continuation of their studies in Romania.
-for the 2nd cycle (master): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of university/post graduate studies.
-for the 3rd cycle (doctorate): This scheme is dedicated to the graduates of university/postgraduate studies (i.e. master).
Scholarship Provider: Romanian Government
Scholarship can be taken at: Vietnam, Switzerland Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

Eligibility: Citizens of non EU countries (irrespective of their country of residence). Priority is given to citizens from non EU states with which Romania does not have cultural and education cooperation agreements. Foreign citizens of Romanian origin and those belonging to the neighboring historic Romanian communities benefit from other scholarship programmes offered by the Romanian state.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Citizens of non EU countries (irrespective of their country of residence) can apply for the scholarships.

Scholarship Description: 85 scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS), in keeping with Romanian current legislation.MECTS will issue (between 15-39 May) a Letter of Acceptance to Study in Romania for the successful candidates. This letter will mention also the supplementary preparatory year compulsory for learning the Romanian language (if applicable) and the academic institution/ institutions where the courses will take place.

Number of awards offered: 85 scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies are available.

Duration of award(s): The monthly amount is granted to the students of the 1st (licenta) and 2nd (master) cycle throughout the whole academic year, the winter and spring vacation included, but not during the summer vacation. For full-time students of the 3rd cycle (doctorate), the monthly amount is granted throughout the whole calendar year.

What does it cover? The scholarship consists of :
-free-of-charge tuition,
-free-of-charge accommodation (depending on availability, accommodation will be offered free-of-charge in students hostels, in keeping with the higher education regulations),
-financial support – a monthly amount representing :
-the equivalent in Romanian currency of 65 EURO per month, for the under-graduate students (1st cycle),
-the equivalent in Romanian currency of 75 EURO per month, for post-graduate students (master degrees and specialization) 2nd cycle,
-the equivalent in Romanian currency of 85 EURO per month, for post graduate students (doctor’s degree) 3rd cycle.
These scholarships do not cover food, international and local transport. The candidates must be prepared to support personally any other additional expenses.

Selection Criteria: The selection criteria are: the candidates’ competence (former scholar performances, mentioned in his/her study papers) and the chosen priority field of study.

Notification: The MAE board makes the first selection between 15 and 20 March 2013. By 1 April 2013, MAE sends to MECTS the selected files. The MECTS Board meets in April 2013 to make the final selection and will send list of successful candidates by 30 April 2013. The selection results will be announced by 30 May to each diplomatic missions that submitted application files.

How to Apply: To get all necessary information about the scholarships (conditions, necessary documents, enrolment calendar) and to submit their application files, the candidates should apply directly to :
-the Romanian diplomatic missions accredited to the candidate’s country of origin or of residence or to
-the diplomatic mission of candidate’s state of origin accredited to Bucharest.
Application files submitted by post or directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) or to the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS), as well as application files received after the announced deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Scholarship Application Deadline: All application files should be sent by the Romanian diplomatic missions through the diplomatic courier in such a way that they can be registered at MAE DDPCS by 15 February 2013.

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The Emile-Boutmy scholarship (Beasiswa Ilmu Politik) Sciences Po France untuk S1 dan S2

Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy scholarship after the founder of Sciences Po (1871) in order to attract the very best international students from outside of the European Union. The Emile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements.

Eligibility requirements

Eligible students are those, first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

Students who are not eligible are:
Swiss and Norwegian applicants, since they may be entitled to CROUS scholarships
Candidates who have dual citizenship, including from a European Union state
Candidates from Quebec (since they may take advantage of sliding scale fees same as European applicants)
Dual-degree candidates
Third-year Ph.D. programme students (thesis)
MPA candidates, since they may apply for the MPA scholarship (
Candidates to the Master in Development Practice (
Candidates to the Master Financial Regulation and Risk Management (

The Emile Boutmy scholarship may not be supplemented with other scholarship (Eiffel scholarshis, AEFE shcolarship, BGF…)

This scholarship is awarded based on factors of excellence and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria are also taken into account.

This scholarship is not automatically awarded. A request for it must be made in the section designated for the purpose on the application form.

Undergraduate programme: Amount and length of the scholarship

The Emile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:

1. A tuition grant of €7,300 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme, in addition to a grant to cover part of the cost of living of €5000 per year.

2. A tuition grant of €7,300 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

3. A tuition grant of €5,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

4. A tuition grant of €3,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of 19,000€ may be granted to cover the three years of College.

If the scholarship recipients’ academic results are not within the upper half of their year group at the end of the first year, they will forfeit their right to the scholarship for the second year.

If the scholarship recipient is within the top 10% of his year group at the end of the first year, he will be eligible for a revision of the amount of the scholarship.

If you have been granted for a scholoarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship wil be lost.

During the year abroad (third year of the undergraduate programme):

Scholarship recipients who are among the top 50% of students in their year group at the end of their second year will retain their tuition fee grant during their year abroad.
Masters level: Amount and length of the scholarship

The Emile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:

1. A grant of €10,000 per year to cover tuition fees for the two years of the Masters, in addition to a grant to cover part of the cost of living of €6,000 per year.

2. A tuition grant of €10,000 per year for the two years of the Masters.

3. A tuition grant of €5,000 per yearfor the two years of the Masters.

On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of 23,000€ may be granted to cover the two years of the Masters programme.

Scholarship recipients will forfeit their right to the grant if their academic results are not with the top 50% of students within their year group at the end of the first year.

If the scholarship recipient is within the top 10% of his year group at the end of the first year, he will be eligible for a revision of the amount of the scholarship.

If you have been granted for a scholoarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship wil be lost.
contact and deadlines

Contact: (

Deadline for undergraduate programme: 2 May, 2013

Deadline for masters programme: 4 April, 2013 (ini formulir pendaftrannya)

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New York Global Young Leaders Summit – International Model United Nations

The International Committee for UN Culture and Education Promotion (ICCE)is glad invite you to the:

New York Global Young Leaders Summit – International Model United Nations
26-29 March 2013, NYC -USA

The NYGYLS-Int’l MUN is established as the first and unique Summit in US aiming to gather students from the five continents and offering a higher-level atrium of confrontation and debate between culturally-diverse leaders, with the UN building as back drop.

An exciting and challenging 4-days environment for the leaders of tomorrow.

More info at

For Individual Students please contact:

For Delegation please contact:

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Tanoto Foundation IndonesiaProgram Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation menyediakan kesempatan bagi anak muda calon pemimpin bangsa, yang berprestasi yang mempunyai kendala financial untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Untuk menjadi pemimpin bangsa bukan hanya kecerdasan intelektual yang harus dimiliki namun ketrampilan lain seperti komunikasi, kemampuan memimpin, kemampuan manajerial merupakan faktor-faktor yang turut memegang peranan dalam keberhasilan seorang pemimpin. Oleh karena itu selain dukungan financial, Tanoto Foundation juga membekali penerima beasiswanya dengan ketrampilan-ketrampilan yang akan berguna dalam pembentukan seorang pemimpin.

Dalam memberikan beasiswanya Tanoto Foundation bermitra dengan 7 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yaitu Institut Pertanian Bogor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Jambi, Universitas Riau, dan Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation bagi jenjang S1 ditawarkan untuk mahasiswa di:

* Institut Pertanian Bogor
* Institut Teknologi Bandung
* Universitas Gadjah Mada
* Universitas Indonesia
* Universitas Jambi
* Universitas Riau
* Universitas Sumatera Utara
* Institut Pertanian Bogor
* Institut Teknologi Bandung
* Universitas Gadjah Mada
* Universitas Indonesia

Sejak tahun 2006, Tanoto Foundation telah menganugerahkan beasiswa kepada lebih dari 1.300 mahasiswa strata satu dan strata dua di Indonesia



1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di IPB, ITB, UGM, UI, UNJA, UNRI, dan USU
3. Usia maksimum 21 tahun pada saat pendaftaran beasiswa
4. Minimum IPK = 3,00 (skala 4,00). Bagi mereka yang baru duduk di tahun pertama Perguruan Tinggi, minimum nilai rata-rata raport kelas 3 SMU = 8,00 (skala 10)
5. Membutuhkan dukungan finansial
6. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia
7. Mengisi dengan lengkap registrasi online di website Tanoto Foundation
8. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima beasiswa dari institusi lain.


1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di IPB, ITB, UGM, dan UI
3. Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada saat pendaftaran beasiswa
4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimum 2 (dua) tahun, setelah menyelesaikan program S1
5. Minimum IPK = 3,25 (skala 4,00). Bagi mereka yang baru duduk di tahun pertama jenjang pendidikan S2, minimum IPK S1 = 3,25 (skala 4,00)
6. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan kepedulian serta komitmen untuk memajukan bangsa Indonesia
7. Mengisi dengan lengkap registrasi online di website Tanoto Foundation
8. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima beasiswa dari institusi lain


1. Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam Snelhekter Map (map yang mempunyai penjepit ditengah map) warna hijau.
2. Formulir pendaftaran tidak boleh diketik ulang.
3. Foto copy ijazah, transkrip nilai, dan dokumen raport SMU kelas 3, harus dilegalisir asli dari institusi terkait bukan hasil foto copy dokumen yang sudah dilegalisir.
4. Melampirkan foto berwarna terakhir ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar ( 1 lembar sudah ditempel pada formulir aplikasi)

Berkas lamaran disusun dengan urutan sbb :

A. Program Sarjana Strata Satu (S1)

1. Fomulir aplikasi yang sudah dilengkapi dan ditanda-tangani.
2. Fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik terakhir S1 yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar.
3. Fotocopy raport SMU kelas 3 yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar, khusus bagi pelamar yang saat ini baru memulai perkuliahan tahun pertama di program S1.
4. Slip gaji terakhir atau surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua (Ayah & Ibu kandung)
5. Surat keterangan dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan atau Lembaga Kemahasiswaan di Perguruan Tinggi yang menyatakan:
* pelamar membutuhkan bantuan finansial untuk melanjutkan studi di perguruan tinggi tersebut.
* pelamar tidak sedang menerima atau sedang dalam proses pendaftaran beasiswa dari institusi lain.
* pelamar tidak sedang atau akan mengikuti program double degree, dan fast track.
6. Essay max 500 kata yang berisi hal-hal berikut :
* Mengapa kuliah di fakultas yang dipilih
* Apa yang ingin dilakukan dalam waktu 5 tahun setelah menyelesaikan studi S1
* Apa yang menginspirasi ketika membuat rencana 5 tahun tersebut
* Langkah dan kegiatan apa yang telah dan akan dilakukan untuk mencapai rencana 5 tahun tersebut
* Kontribusi apa yang dapat disumbangkan kepada Bangsa Indonesia khususnya masyarakat di daerah asal
7. Fotocopy ijazah SMU yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar
8. Fotocopy kartu tanda mahasiswa 2 lembar
9. Fotocopy KTP 2 lembar.
10. Fotocopy akte kelahiran 2 lembar
11. Fotocopy kartu keluarga 2 lembar

B. Program Sarjana Strata 2 (S2)

1. Fomulir aplikasi yang sudah dilengkapi dan ditanda-tangani.
2. Fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik terakhir S2 yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar
3. Fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik S1 yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar khusus bagi pelamar yang saat ini baru memulai perkuliahan tahun pertama di program S2
4. Surat keterangan dari tempat bekerja yang menyatakan pelamar sudah mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun di perusahaan tersebut.
5. Surat referensi dari pembimbing akademik.
6. Surat keterangan dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan atau Lembaga Kemahasiswaan di Perguruan Tinggi yang menyatakan :
* pelamar tidak sedang menerima atau sedang dalam proses pendaftaran beasiswa dari institusi lain.
* pelamar tidak sedang atau akan mengikuti program double degree, dan fast track.
7. Essay max 500 kata yang berisi hal-hal berikut:
* Mengapa kuliah di fakultas yang dipilih
* Apa yang ingin dilakukan dalam waktu 5 tahun setelah menyelesaikan studi S2
* Apa yang menginspirasi ketika membuat rencana 5 tahun tersebut
* Langkah dan kegiatan apa yang telah dan akan dilakukan untuk mencapai rencana 5 tahun tersebut
* Kontribusi apa yang dapat disumbangkan kepada Bangsa Indonesia khususnya masyarakat di daerah asal
8. Fotocopy ijazah S1 yang sudah dilegalisir 2 lembar
9. Fotocopy kartu tanda mahasiswa 2 lembar
10. Fotocopy akte kelahiran 2 lembar
11. Fotocopy kartu keluarga 2 lembar

Selanjutnya Snelhekter map dimasukkan ke dalam amplop coklat tertutup dengan mencantumkan tulisan “BEASISWA” pada bagian kiri atas amplop dan dikirimkan kepada Tanoto Foundation dengan alamat PO BOX 2664 JKP 10026, paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2013 cap pos.

For more information, please visit official website:

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Russian Govt Scholarships for International Students and Russians Living Abroad, 2013

Bachelor, Specialist and Postgraduate scholarships funded by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation offers public scholarships for foreign citizens and Russians living abroad to study at federal state higher professional education institutions, Russia 2013/14

Study Subject(s):Physics And Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Technical Sciences,Agricultural Sciences, Humanities, Philology, Philosophy Of Science, Arts And Culture, Cultural, Socio-Economic And Social Sciences, Political Science,Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences
Course Level:Bachelor, Specialist an Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Scholarship can be taken at: Russia

Eligibility:-For bachelor or specialist degree programs a document on education needs to be provided that is recognized in the Russian Federation as state document on secondary (full) general education or on secondary vocational education.
-For enrollment into master degree programs a document needs to be provided that is recognized in the Russian Federation as a bachelor diploma (at least 4 years of study) or a specialist diploma (at least 5 years of study).
-For study in the post-graduate programs (aspirantura, internatura, ordinatura) a document needs to be provided that is recognized in the Russian Federation as a specialist diploma (at least 5 years) or a master diploma (at least 2 years after a 4-year bachelor study)

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: In order to assist foreign countries in training national employees, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation allocates public scholarships for the academic year 2012/2013 to allow foreign citizens and Russians living abroad to study at federal state higher professional education institutions at the expense of federal budget allocations in bachelor, specialist, master degree and post-graduate (aspitantura, internatura, ordinatura or doctorantura) programs as well as additional professional education programs (internship or professional development). The sending party presents for each recommended candidate a set of documents based on which a decision is made by the interagency working group

How to Apply: By post

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 15, 2013

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Meiji University Japanese Language Program (summer 2013)

Following up on it winter 2013 program, the Meiji University Japanese Language Education Center will offer a short-term Japanese Language Program in summer 2013.

The program cultivates study of Japanese language, culture and society from various aspects.

Highly motivated participants can expect Meiji University’s up-to-date educational, media and support facilities to meet their every need. Japanese students will support your study of Japanese and join various events with you.

Why not come to central Tokyo and Meiji University this summer to learn “living” Japanese and Japanese culture?
Get ready for the exciting new experience that awaits you!

Application Period: 1 February – 7 March 2013

Program Length

22 July – 8 August 2013


Japanese Language Program is in process of applying for acceptance as a Student Exchange Support Program. If the program is adopted, Meiji University will offer a scholarship to participants who are either undergraduate of graduate students of Meiji University’s partner institution and meet requirements set by JASSO.
Details will be decided around middle of March.

In AY 2012, Japanese Language program offered a financial support of JPY80,000 as a scholarship to all the participants who meet the conditions / requirements.

For more information please open

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