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Archive for Beasiswa

Hokkaido University Short Term Exchange Program (HUSTEP)

The Hokkaido University Short Term Exchange Program (HUSTEP) is an undergraduate program designed for students to take a wide variety courses offered in English in the fields of Culture and Society, Environment, Science and Technology Required Documents     Surat pencalonan dari Dekan Fakultas ditujukan kepada Kepala KUI UGM     Undergraduate student at their 3rd-6th semester […]

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Sciences Po Summer School 2013

• Tentang Program Sciences Po language Summer School tahun 2013 di Paris, 1 – 26 Juli 2013 dan di Menton, 7 – 27 Juni 2013. Link: • Persyaratan 1. Surat ijin dari Fakultas dalam bahasa Indonesia 2. Transkrip nilai semester terakhir 3. TOEFL Score (minimal ITP) 4. Motivation Letter dalam bahasa Inggris 5. CV […]

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Bantuan Pembiayaan Test IELTS dan Toefl IBT

Bersama ini kami sampaikan penawaran bantuan pembiayaan ujian IELTS dan Toefl IBT kepada para calon pendaftar program Erasmus Mundus Lotus. Besaran bantuan tersebut adalah sebesar Rp 1.000.000 yang tersedia bagi 5 orang pendaftar yang terpilih. Adapun ketentuan dari bantuan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut : Pendaftar merupakan tenaga pendidik maupun tenaga kependidikan di lingkungan UGM yang […]

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List Beasiswa Luar Negeri

Seringkali kita merasa kesulitan untuk mencari soal informasi-informasi beasiswa yang ada di internet karena jumlahnya yang begitu banyak tersebar di banyak situs. Itulah salah satu hal yang menjadi kendala bagi para pencari beasiswa atau yang dikenal dengan scholarship hunter. Untuk alasan itulah Divisi Career and Developtment (CDC) Fisipol UGM dan International Office Fisipol UGM merangkum […]

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Student Exchange Scholarships for ASEAN Students, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Those interested, read the information about the 2013 recruitment below: Scholarship Includes: Tuition of 83,000 Baht Expenses 50,000 Baht Application Period: February 1st – March 31st , 2013 Requirements of Eligible Applicants Applicants must be undergraduate students at an accredited university in an ASEAN country except Thailand. Applicants must be a citizen of an ASEAN […]

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Merit Scholarships, School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Robert Gordon University, UK

The School of Pharmacy & Life Sciences is pleased to offer a number of merit scholarships to outstanding students who wish to study at the School starting September 2012 and January 2013. Please read through the following information carefully. The awards available in academic year 2012/13: MSc Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) Merit Scholarships for […]

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Faculty of Science and Engineering Scholarships, Waseda University, Japan

The graduate school of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University establishes international programs that allow students to earn degrees through programs conducted entirely in English language. Master’s Program Aims to offer students a broader prospective and deeper knowledge to equip them with research abilities in specialized fields and advanced competences necessary for professional careers. […]

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Women in Aerospace (WIA) Foundation Scholarships, USA

The WIA Foundation is pleased to provide scholarships to women interested in a career in the aerospace field to pursue higher education degrees in engineering, math or science. One or more awards will be given each year to a rising junior or senior in college, to be applied during the upcoming academic year. To be […]

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International Students Scholarships, Nitori International Scholarship Foundation, Japan

Application Requirements for foreign student applicants for the scholarship of public interest incorporated foundation Nitori International Scholarship Foundation(hereinafter referred to as “NISF”) Eligibility requirements A student from the world over with non-Japanese nationality who is self-supporting and residing in Japan. A student currently is enrolled in a Japanese university as an undergraduate or a graduate […]

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International Doctoral Scholarships in Engineering, Kochi University of Technology, Japan

The Special Scholarship Program (SSP) was established in 2003 in order to support the advanced research of the university by enlisting the help of highly capable students especially students from foreign countries. Every year in April and October, the university enrolls selected doctoral students for specific research projects. The students pursue the doctoral course in […]

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